I find it interesting that the nation I live in has been overwhelmed with people “crying out for a change.” Yet, just a few short months ago; we all had the opportunity to help change gain a foot hold. We all had the opportunity, even with the barriers placed on some members of the population, to go out and vote for that change. And it seems that we did…sort of. The day after the election, we all woke up to what had been considered to be unthinkable. Some rejoiced, others wept; I think that most were truly shocked. Change was definitely coming.
But what I find most unique about all of this is that, with the exception of a few states, the majority of us chose to send the same people back to support our new administration. After “crying out for change” we chose to maintain the status quo? Now I realize that there were some shady back deals and a long history of gerrymandering that helped these individuals to gain such a large foothold in Washington. But, all of this aside, these individuals still had to win the majority of the votes. And win they did. Enough to hold a majority say in the government.
Which brings me to my point. After examining the event that led us to this place, I have only one question: WHY is anyone at all surprised that they are all doing EXACTLY what they said they would do? They all ran on the promise that they would repeal the ACA (or Obamacare). And I, for one, do not remember any candidate outlining any program, act or idea to replace it. So this should be no surprise, they have spent most of the 44th President’s time in office trying to repeal it. It should come as no surprise to anyone that, as soon as the majority of the votes belonged to the repeal camp, they would fulfill the promises they made. And without any real plan, which also should not be a surprise, as no one was able to articulate any form of replacement plan. The only concrete “detail” Joe Q. Public got was that it would be “a great plan,” to “make America great again.” Which doesn’t exactly tell us anything, other than that million of Americans will, most likely, be on the loosing end. I guess at this point, only time will tell. This new administration has made it very clear in the five days that they are going to do what they want, regardless of the will of the American people.
So I ask you again: Why is everyone so surprised?
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