So, I guess it’s about time to restart this website experiment and get this thing up to code (Pun intended) There’s just too much going on to keep procrastinating and letting this languish while I try to “figure things out.” I would hope that at this point, we’d all know that no one ever figures it all out, and just sitting around waiting for the answers to come to you, or fall into line, isn’t going to happen.
So – step one is going to be figuring out how to actually make this site usable and a real looker; or at least not a half complete experiment.
Step two will build from there, and I will just start writing again, which (I hope) will help me re-find my voice.
Step three is usually profit (and there’s usually no step two) but that’s not really the point is it?
So TL:DR – change is coming and (hopefully) soon, so hold on to your panties – I will be.